Pavement Rehabilitation – Saraji Road
With annual average traffic of 370 vehicles per day, Saraji Road is a significant road connecting Dysart and Moranbah, and the Peak Downs and Saraji Mines.
Heavy vehicle traffic on Saraji Road created significant ongoing pavement damage. Epoca was awarded the tender to provide 2.6 kilometres of full service insitu cement stabilisation
to the existing road corridor pavement located at Phillips Creek, within the Isaac Regional Council Shire.
The project involved 21,000m2 of full service in-situ cement stabilisation. All works within the corridor were delivered by
Epoca Constructions under live traffic conditions via the supply of active traffic control measures.
Specifics of the works included:-
- Pulverisation of the existing pavement to a depth of 300mm.
- Insitu spreading and incorporation of GB cement powder at a rate 3%.
- Moisture conditioning, compaction and final trim grading to designed grades.
- Remote Area Works.
- Maintaining access for traffic through the work zone.