110 Links Avenue South, Eagle Farm QLD 4009 07 3868 8400

Harbour Road East Upgrade – Insitu Stabilisation


The Port of Mackay is one of the major servicing centres for the Central Queensland mining and agricultural industries. As part of the State Government’s Accelerated Works Program, $2.3M was invested into the Port’s busiest intersection at Harbour Road East, construction of a new 1.9 hectare laydown area, and vital repairs to other road infrastructure.


Along with the State funded upgrade works to Harbour Road East, Epoca was engaged to provide insitu stabilisation works
to Port roads and upgrade existing road infrastructure such
as driveways and crossovers, kerbing, drainage and services.
Four separate portions were awarded to Epoca, which had demonstrated not only its technical skill but also its capacity to perform the contract with minimum disruption to the operations of the Port and its third-party tenants.


9,000m2 Insitu Cement Stabilisation - Harbour Road East

  • Pulverisation of the existing pavement to a depth of 200mm;
  • Insitu spreading and incorporation of GB cement powder at a rate of 3%;
  • Moisture conditioning, compaction and final trim grading to designed grades

6,000m2 Insitu Cement Stabilisation - Spiller Avenue

  • Pulverisation of existing pavement to a depth of 200mm;
  • Insitu spreading and incorporation of GB cement powder at a rate of 3%;
  • Increase in pavement height
  • Moisture conditioning, compaction and final trim grading to designed grades
  • Works across all sites delivered within a busy operational port.
  • Co-ordination/interaction with over 30 stakeholders.
  • Safely delivering works within a 80+ year-old facility.

Scenic Rim Regional Council