110 Links Avenue South, Eagle Farm QLD 4009 07 3868 8400

NDRRA East Construction Package


The Isaac Regional Council LGA suffered a series of natural disasters including severe flooding and tropical cyclones which significantly impacted the transport network. The NDRRA Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program provided funding for repair works to damaged roads.


This project was made possible by jointly funded disaster relief and recovery assistance. Works focused on repairs to gravel roads, sealed roads and drainage culverts and involved shoulder widening, stabilising, re-sheeting and bitumen sealing. Traffic management ensured driver and contractor safety. Construction was undertaken on roads ranging from remote rural to more heavily trafficked main roads.


The works were performed on various roads situated within the Isaac Regional Council.
Typical treatments included manual clearing, vegetation clearing, bulk excavation, bulk fill culverts and floodway washouts, bulk fill scoured roads ready for pavement reconstruction, scarify, recompact and shape road surfaces, in-situ cement stabilisation, demolition of concrete culverts, floodway and causeway components, bulk fill scoured areas and re-instate table drains/ reshape table drains, place geotextile fabric and rock fill, bulk fill/ armour washout areas with rock/boulder protection, gravel re-sheeting, manual patching, patch repairs and pothole patching, two-coat bitumen seal, reconstruction of concrete floodways and floodway aprons, reconstruction of unsurfaced shoulders, replace cast in-situ head/end wall and wingwall, repair/replace stone pitching, and replace damaged pipes including excavation, bedding and backfill.

  • Remote area works.
  • Access to water and gravel supply. ยป Intermittent access to telecommunications.
  • Wet season effects.

Isaac Regional Council